
Exciting news to start 2024!

We're delighted to share that we've been shortlisted in an incredible 6 categories for the Professional Adviser Awards 2024. This recognition is a testament to the diverse expertise and excellence across our entire team.

The awards include:

We have also been recognised in the 2024 Citywire New Model Adviser regional award shortlist for Adviser Firm - The North. 

Citywire New Model Adviser’s regional awards recognise some of the best advice firms from across the UK.

We eagerly await the winners' announcement on February 1st.

Huge congratulations to all our colleagues for being nominated and best of luck to all the other nominees. 

Let's make 2024 a year of continued success! 

If you want to find out why The Private Office is an award-winning firm why not get in touch and arrange a free initial meeting with one of our qualified advisers.

Arrange your free initial consultation