
How much is the dividend tax free allowance?

The recent change of Government in the UK has naturally brought with it a number of speculations about what Labour will look to target when it lays out its fiscal policy for the term ahead. You will have heard about potential changes to Capital Gains Tax (CGT), or modifying Inheritance Tax (IHT), however there have been significant changes in recent years to many other areas, and one in particular is the dividend allowance. It has shrunk dramatically in recent years, from £5,000 per annum in 2017/18 to £500 per annum in 2024/25. It is important, then, that if you are getting income from dividends, you need to understand your tax implications. 

What is a dividend?

Dividends are periodic payments made to shareholders by the companies they have invested in. It is a slice of the company’s post-tax profits that is ‘divided up’ among its shareholders. Clearly, the dividend amount is variable and is dependent on strong corporate performance in order for them to pay out to shareholders. 

Is there a tax free Allowance for dividends in the UK?

In the UK, HMRC allows individuals to receive a certain amount of dividend income before they start paying tax, known as the dividend tax free allowance.

This allowance was first introduced on 6 April 2016 to all UK residents, replacing the dividend tax credit at that time.

Although in the UK we can utilise the dividend allowance, recently the amount at which you can earn before paying tax was reduced, meaning more people will have started paying tax on their dividend income. 

What is tax free dividend allowance?

For the 2024/25 tax year, the dividend tax free allowance is £500. This means that you can receive income of up to £500 from shares and some equity-based collective investment funds without paying any tax.

Dividends that arise within ISA and pension wrappers are exempt from dividend tax due to the favourable tax-free growth nature of these investments. 

Understanding tax on dividends

Once the amount of dividend income an individual receives breaches the dividend allowance, the level of tax you pay on this income depends on what level of total income you receive in any given tax year.

Income Tax Bands 2024/25
Tax Band Income Level Income Tax Bracket Dividend Tax Bracket
Personal Allowance £0-£12,570 0% 0%


Basic Rate

£12,571-£50,270 20% 8.75%
Higher Rate £50,271-125,140 40% 33.75%
Additional Rate Over £125,140 45% 39.35%

The above table shows the level of tax you will pay if you receive more than £500 worth of dividend income in the current tax year. If your total income for the year is less than the Personal Allowance, which sits at £12,570 in the current tax year, you will also not pay tax on your dividend income.

As per the table above, dividend tax rates are less than income tax rates, making dividends a more favourable form of income. Individuals who own their own limited company can take dividends from the profits of their company instead of a salary in order to decrease their tax liability for a given tax year.

Can I transfer tax free allowance to share dividend allowance?

Although it is not possible to transfer your dividend allowance to your spouse, like it is with part of the Personal Allowance, transferring dividends to your spouse is an effective way to mitigate dividend tax if one member of the couple falls into a lower tax bracket than the other. As assets can be passed between spouses free of inheritance tax implications, assigning shares to the lower earner means that any dividend income they receive over the dividend allowance will be taxed in accordance with their relevant, lower rate of dividend tax. For this to be effective, the transfer of the shares/investment should be a genuine and unconditional transfer of ‘beneficial’ ownership, from which the transferor should receive no benefit.

Please keep in mind this is a complex area of taxation and such work should be undertaken with help of your accountant or financial adviser. 

How do I pay dividend tax?

Unlike a salary, dividends are not taxed at source. If you earn under the dividend allowance of £500, you do not need to do anything. If you earn above this, but below £10,000 in the current tax year, you must contact HMRC. HMRC will give you the option of either adjusting your tax code to pay your dividend tax liability or completing a self-assessment tax return. 

If you earn over £10,000 of dividend income in the current tax year, your only option for paying your dividend tax bill is by completing a self-assessment tax return.

 Self-assessment tax returns must be completed for the previous tax year by 31st October if choosing to fill in a paper form or 31st January if you opt of an online form. For example, you must complete your online tax return for the 2023/24 tax year by 31st January 2025. 

How we can help

Whether you are a business owner who would like to efficiently draw an income from your business, or you are receiving income from your investments, we can build an effective, tax efficient income strategy that suits you and your family's needs. We make it a priority to stay on top of legislative changes to taxes applicable and work with a number of client accountants to ensure we have the most up to date tax information available for each client.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you, why not get in touch for free initial review with one of our expert advisers.

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The FCA does not regulate estate or tax planning. 

The information is based on our understanding of legislation, whether proposed or in force, and market practice at the time of writing. Levels, bases and reliefs from taxation may be subject to change.